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Date du message : lundi 26 janvier 2009 à 21h53

Ca n'est pas la seule qu'il ai eu:
(d'après l'article : "A conversation with Colin Powell")

Citation :
Citation :To change the subject completely, is there symbolic or psychological significance to your fondness for Volvos?

SECRETARY POWELL: No. They just came into my life when my kids needed a car in college and they refused to drive their grandfather's Chevy Belair. They wanted something sporty; I wanted something safe. They wanted something distinctive; I wanted something safe.

I came upon this '77 Volvo and gave it to my son who took it to college. It was a pretty interesting car. I bought another one, an older one. I play with sophisticated non-zero-sum things all week long. On weekends, if I really want to relax—and I don't anymore, I can't relax because I'm too busy here—but there was nothing that was greater fun for me or more relaxing than a zero-sum problem with the car. It's not running? You put on a new distributor cap and it either runs or it doesn't. And so the joy for me was to take—drag—home a car. I mean literally drag it home. My driver and I would do it. We've been known to go through Alexandria with a Volvo on a rope dragging it home. People started calling and giving them to me. They heard about me. I was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "I'll give you a Volvo on a rope." The rope broke one day coming through the gate at Ft. Myer, with the MPs waving the Chairman through. We coasted until we could get another rope.

We used to do this all the time. Bring them to the house and Sergeant Pearson, now Mr. Pearson, and I would take them apart. We had extra engines, we had extra radiators, had extra transmissions.

P. J. O'ROURKE: Did you have room to do this? My wife gets upset about carburetors on the dining room table.

SECRETARY POWELL: Well, I was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so I had five garages at Ft. Myer. On the weekends, I would go out there and start rebuilding cars. I still have one of them. I've had it for twelve years now. It's still out in my yard. And it just—it cleared my non-zero-sum mind.

on apprend aussi qu'au Show 2007 de Carlisle une 1953 PV444, once owned by Colin Powell était exposée.

ClassicDriver 1800S P#26174



Date du message : lundi 26 janvier 2009 à 18h05

il a du gôut, j'avais lu un article lors d'un voyage en Australie, il a aperçu devant son Hôtel une magnifique volvo 262 c bertone, il a demandé de trouver le propriétaire qui accepta qu'il fasse un tour avec.


Date du message : lundi 26 janvier 2009 à 17h51

Indépendemment de toutes connotations politiques,
pour le fun, une preuve de plus que les Volvo sont reconnues pour leur qualité par certains VIP,
comme le Général Colin Powell qui va surement prendre une place dans l'administration obama
et sa passion pour sa 122S

Vintage Volvos Earn Their Stripes (Ask the General Who Owns One)

Citation :Everybody agree that Volvo is well-known as the safest and most comfortable cars in the world. A lot of important people use Volvo as their main vehicles. In many countries Volvo are uses for official car. Volvo created in many types, so that’s why we found a family with more than two children use Volvo wagon for their daily life.
If you find Volvo becomes a collector item is very reasonable. That’s why Colin Powell, former secretary of state under the Bush Administration and four-star general, is apparently an avid automotive enthusiast who likes to tinker with old cars. In fact, during down-time in his former position as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the Clinton days, one could find the general at Fort Myers working on vintage wheels. Mr. Powell's current vehicular pride is a rust-around-the-edges 1966 white Volvo 122S station wagon.
Mr. Powell’s pride and joy is a 1966 122S wagon
, a car similar to the barely ambulatory wreck that Bill Clinton and Al Gore presented to him at a reception when he retired as chairman of the Joint Chiefs in 1993. “I tried to express my profound gratitude,” Mr. Powell said.

So, don’t sell your Volvo. Keep it and show your old Volvo to your grand children in the future. Have a nice day.

L'article original du Nytimes

ClassicDriver 1800S P#26174