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Posté le 17/11/2009 à 18h45 par ClassicDriver

Tiens je vous fais profiter d'un making of si ca vous intéresse

Citation :

Here are a couple of pictures of the TV crew making a video of my car a week or so ago.
Hi Pascal,
These pictures are of the film crew mounting cameras to my front axel and rear of car to get various angles of what the car looks like while driving. There were cameras mounted on my front hood (bonnet) and rear trunk lid as well. I also had to follow a van which drove along side of my car to get views of the car and some of the scenery...unfortunately I have no copies of those until the crew is ready to air the program. The people in the pictures were the film crew (about 9 of them) and the fellow in the "Castrol Oil" jacket is me.

I hope you enjoy these. I have sent all that I have from this event. I am waiting now to hear from ....

Best wishes,

J'espere bien obtenir la copie de la video réalisée et vous la faire partager

ClassicDriver 1800S P#26174